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Subscribe and you will find out
the absolutely free ways to:

1) Improve sales and profit2) Train employees3) Ensure growth

The average result from application of the
B2B Basis methodologies ensures a 20% growth of sales
in less than six months

Subscribe and receive:

Access to 5 remote learning courses:
  • Marketing and sales management strategy (13 lessons)
  • Sales management tactics (11 lessons)
  • Active phone sales (12 lessons)
  • Personnel management, HR (in formation)
  • CRM implementation in 3 days (3 lessons)

Video records of business seminars:
  • Sales growth (for directors), 73 mins
  • Power up your business (for owners), 72 mins
  • Working with objections (for managers), 54 mins
  • Improving website sales (for directors), 80 mins
  • and others

Additional bonus:
  • Invitation to free business seminars (twice per month)

Free access to courses and video recording:

Please insert your name and e-mail in the form below and press the subscribe button. The access to all materials shall be sent to the e-mail your provide below in just a few minutes.

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Special offerSpecial offer
Course "Improving sales by 20%, B2B".
Special offerSpecial offer
"Free book: 5 ways to improve sales".

Special offerSpecial offer
"Power up your business"
30+ hours
of business
seminars for only 590 rubles!